Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pennsylvania Dutch Birch Beer

Pennsylvania Dutch Birch Beer is one of the first varieties I ever tried.  The company began brewing its product in 1936 and has continued to produce this Root Beer-esque soda ever since.  The companies decision to bottle in cans and in plastic I view a a negative decision.  While it does allow the product to get out in the  hands of more people, it truly does compromise taste.  I found this beverage to be slightly over-sweet because of the corn syrup, and I didn't feel that it exuded the high levels of birch flavor I've come to expect of similar sodas.  The use of acacia tree extract does give this a nice color, placing Pennsylvania dutch in good position.    I would love to see this company switch over to a glass only policy and to go back to using all natural sweeteners, but I don't see that happening.  The history and the natural coloring, combined with an overall pleasant taste, and clean finish give this birch beer a solid 6 on the scale.  I would recommend this beverage for nostalgia for any East-Coas Ex-Pats.

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